"I'm not afraid to speak out, and say things that I want to do, or do the things that I want to do, so um, I think in the end, being natural, and being, being actually genuine is what wins." - Freddie Mercury.

"All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come." - Victor Hugo.

“More people have been slaughtered in the name of religion than for any other single reason. That, my friends, that is true perversion.” - Harvey Milk.

"Silence never won rights. They are not handed down from above; they are forced by pressures from below." - Roger Baldwin.

Indigo Children!
Are you an Indigo Child? Take this test!

[X] Strong-willed
[X] Born in 1978 or later - 1993 baby!
[X] Headstrong
[X] Creative, with an artistic flair for music, jewellery making, poetry etc.- GO THE DRAMA!
[X] Prone to addictions - Caffeine, GUILTY AS CHARGED :D
[X] An 'old soul', as if they're 13 going on 43 - I believe that I'm "cultured" mature
[X] Intuitive or psychic, possibly with a history of seeing angels or deceased people - I suppose that I am intuitive
[ ]An isolationist, either through aggressive acting-out, or through fragile introversion- not so much me...
[X] Independent and proud, even if they're constantly asking for money - HELLS YES!
[X] Possesses a deep desire to help the world in a big way
[X] Wavers between low self-esteem and grandiosity
[X] Bores easily - quite
[ ] Has probably been diagnosed as having ADD or ADHD - I don't have a disorder
[ ] Prone to insomnia, restless sleep, nightmares, or difficulty/fear of falling asleep
[X] Has a history of depression, or even suicidal thoughts or attempts - unfortunately yes
[X] Looks for real, deep and lasting friendships - none of this one-night stand shit or anything
[X] Easily bonds with plants or animals

Well, according to the "symptoms" I believe I am an Indigo Child!

Now, you find out if you are or not!

Love and Peace,


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hellew!'s Izzie...hi...
damn, this was an awkward comment...

3 December 2008 at 6:02 pm  

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