"I'm not afraid to speak out, and say things that I want to do, or do the things that I want to do, so um, I think in the end, being natural, and being, being actually genuine is what wins." - Freddie Mercury.

"All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come." - Victor Hugo.

“More people have been slaughtered in the name of religion than for any other single reason. That, my friends, that is true perversion.” - Harvey Milk.

"Silence never won rights. They are not handed down from above; they are forced by pressures from below." - Roger Baldwin.

I haven't really done this in a while so I thought I should at least write something, regardless of it being 12:30AM and regardless of my reluctance to go to bed, which I guess helps this situation. Holidays are nice. Playing hours and hours of Team Fortress 2 melts your brain pretty easily yet, brain melting is a price to be for entertainment. I use the word 'fantastic' too much. My adjectives when I'm trying to describe or respond to something is very limited. Fantastic. Amazing. Awesome. That's about as sophisticated as I get. Keep it simple or you'll have a Saw franchise on your hands. Seriously, first three movies were awesome (Ah?) yet it is now so complicated I've sort of lost interest and only watch them to see how they die. Oh how the morbid fascinations exist in a teenage mind. This is just me rambling. Forgive me, followers of thine blog. Bare with me. That's right. Get naked. I don't care that it's winter. You are no longer entitled to the joys of clothing.

Anyway, I like sleep but the thing that annoys me about sleep is the moments before. Practically (almost) every time I go to sleep I wonder what happens when we go to sleep. Now, I don't want a long scientific explanation but the it would be amazing to have an out of body experience where you could see a running documentary (narrated by Morgan Freeman... Who else?) of what happens to your unconscious, your mind and your body when you went to sleep. Does that make sense? Oh well. Another thing is the time frame of sleep. In that [insert amount of hours] hours that you sleep, people are awake, doing things and possibly being awesome... or douchebags. Depends. Anyway, I find the fact that while that amount of time flickers by, between the time you drift and rise, people are dying, being born, having sex, working their crappy day jobs, creating art, making movies, dreaming of the future, taking a shit... All of that is happening while you are dreaming of some man/woman taking their clothes off or moving house, which occurred in my dream last night. That's food for thought. DO dreams mean anything? I have a friend who loves to decipher dreams, whether she's right or not is a different story but watching her trying to decipher a dream where someone was in said persons grandmothers house and two big red balls were suspended from the ceiling. I'd say it was sexual? What about you? Leave your impression of my vague recollection in the comments.

Ah Regina, I love you. Listening to her now, by the way... Not when you read this, although that could happen... I listen to her a lot. Anyway, Regina Spektor's greatness aside what's next on the agenda? TOY STORY 3 has been released since last time we talked. I saw it three times in four days, starting on the release date. I loved it. And it made cry the first time. It is sad to see it go but at least it had a nice resolution. This may sound odd (or not at all), but I would be content if they left it there. Do you hear me Pixar? NO MORE! Focus on Monsters Inc. 2. I love Pixar. Which I guess could be seen as strange as Quentin Tarantino is one of my favourite directors. Ah, Pulp Fiction, you fantastic piece of film. I've also taken a liking to Sam Mendes. Seriously, you should check him out. American Beauty, Revolutionary Road, Away We Go, Jarhead. I feel like watching Rocky Horror Picture Show. Let's do the Time Warp again? Possibly another day. I don't feel like staying up that late. I might finish this and watch Will and Grace until I fall asleep. It's so cold! How's being nekkid? I bet you're colder than I am.

There's this boy I like. Well, we haven't TECHNICALLY met. Go on. Give me you're fantastic cyber-pedophile speech... You done? Great. Anyway, I feel insecure about everything. I just don't want to disappoint him... Like, he'll take one look at me and run in the opposite direction... *sigh*, being a teenager can suck sometimes. He'll probably read this too. Ah, well. Iz good to get it out there. I'm not sexy. Really, I'm not. Maybe it would just be an awesome friendship. Am I even cut out for a relationship? I don't know. Fuck. Stereotypes. Fuck them so hard they're obliterated. Is this a dark place that the blog has come to? It's called thoughts, so I'm really just writing what I'm thinking. And yet there is so much you don't know about me. Ah well, there is time. Time heals all things. Or so they say.

I miss Doctor Who now that it has finished its run in the UK. I also miss Torchwood... WHEN WILL CAPTAIN JACK RETURN? I don't know, but it better be fucking soon... And I have to wait until Christmas for DW. Despite the few bumps Series Six had, I still enjoyed it. But I am not giving anything away, So I'm going to stop talking about it. I wonder how long this blog is... Hey, did you hear, Texas is trying to ban sodomy. Fucking Texas. Oh well, America should just sell it to Mexico. It'd make for an interesting trade.

I'm heading into my second last term of high school, which is fucking insane! Term 3 is the hardest. Motherfuckers. The big and frightening world is literally a few months away. Scary thought, right? Makes me feel a bit anxious... Then on to uni and onto bigger and greater things. To think I'm only 16 (17 on the 30th) and yet life seems to have dragged out this bit. When does life begin to speed by? Another item for thought.

Okay, it's now 1:10AM.

This shall draw to a close. (Now 1:11)

Good evening/morning/midday/hazelnuts dear bloggers.

--Maximillian: The flamboyant space cowboy.


When an Awesome Force, Meets a Spectacular Object. The Best Omegle Conversation Ever.
An actual conversation I had with a Stranger on Omegle.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Quickly Harry, we must defeat the Dementors!
Stranger: Luigi, what happened to you?
You: Uhhh, well, long story short...
You: Voldemort stole Peach.
Stranger: Goddamn him!
You: How have the two most powerful forces come together?
You: they're in completely different formats
Stranger: The world is on the brink of change, my friend.
You: Communism?
You: Is that what you're telling me?!
You: Communism?!?!?!
Stranger: That fell long ago, my friend. The sneaky Americans, "liberating" everybody, that's the newest and most dangerous threat on the horizon.
You: *EL GASP*
Stranger: 'Tis true!
You: We must use the forces of magic and British accents combined to defeat those sneaky Americans.
Stranger: Unite our forces we must!
You: Quickly! Call Ghostbusters for a plan!
Stranger: It's too late, we're doomed!
You: Into the Dolorean and we shall go back in time!
Stranger: *jumps in*
You: *Doctor Who theme comes on*
You: Hmmm... We seemed to have landed in Cardiff
You: Yet again.
Stranger: Pinky, we must investigate!
You: I seem to have found the problem... There are a group of teenagers, under the name The Breakfast Club.
You: Whatever shall we do?
Stranger: Bribe them with crack!
You: It seems to be working!
You: Damn! Their 80s personas are too much!
You: Quickly! Hit them with shades of grey!
Stranger: *swoosh!*
You: Their crazy hairstyles and bright colours are diminishing!
You: It's super effective!
Stranger: Gah, the hair spray, it blinds!
You: So.... sticky....
You: Grab the lighter!
Stranger: *flicks switch*
You: *Breakfast Club asplodes*
You: Phew
You: That was a close one!
You: Jesus Christ! They seem to have created a hole in the ozone layer! Whatever shall we do?
Stranger: Bastards! We must bake them into a tuna pizza, quick!
You: In an eco-friendly oven, may I add!
You: Let us enjoy this tuna pizza while Captain Planet fixes everything.
You: Captain Planet is our bitch, is he not?
Stranger: Bitch in chains, yes sir.
You: It has been another successful day for the Justice League. *looks off into distance*
Stranger: *epic choir sings in the background*
You: *crescendos and fades to black*
The rest was just getting to know each other. Hope you enjoyed.

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Moon: The Review. 4.5/5 stars.

Moon could have been another blatantly stereotypical sci-fi film or some sort of psychological thriller that Sam Bell (the main character) created out-of-body multiple personalities, similar to Fight Club. I was delightfully surprised. Moon is one of those rare gems that you can achieve from a small budget ($5M) and a shooting period of only thirty-three days. Sam Rockwell, an underestimated actor, portrayed Sam Bell (hopefully this film will boost his morale within the industry and we can see more of this marvellous man.) His portrayal of the diminishing character was a very real and powerful performance. The story is as follows: Sam Bell has spent almost three years alone on the moon, harvesting a renewable energy source from the dark side of the moon. His only companion, a very 2001 style robotic system named Gerty. During his last two weeks of his contract he suffers a crash that reveals the whole underbelly of the helium-3 harvesting industry. The twist (which I’ll try not to reveal) was plausible for a film set in the near future, even if the idea is popular in the sci-fi industry.

The ideas that Moon was homage to 2001 and Alien are quite clear through the environment and sets that the filmmakers used. Like 2001, the station is very clean and white with the appropriate-looking technologies. The moon itself seemed like a very lonely and empty place, achieved through the vast and dark landscapes of the surface and atmosphere of a moon longing to have some sort of physical contact was strong and the connection between Sam and the moon can be made. Also, like Alien, this mood was set early on with establishing a clear and hostile world, the moon obviously not being a life-threatening sort of hostility but a more emotional and psychological one.

Moon allows the audience to think about more than can be seen. A message about the diminishing natural resource reserves of the world is set right at the start but this is merely the surface of the ideals revealed in the film. To go beneath the surface, you find the integrity and compassion that makes us human and are confronted with an already talked about conspiracy, that has both moral and questionable arguments. Overall, Moon was a visually exciting, sometimes slow but masterfully played and made film, right down to the acting and directing. It’s a fantastic start for director, Duncan Jones and I am hopeful that this boosts Sam Rockwell from his B-Grade status.

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Nine: The Review.
It's been almost eight years since Rob Marshall, the director of Nine, brought us Chicago. It doesn't seem like that long ago since he brought us the 'razzle dazzle' musical of Chicago but he hit a spectacular mark of musical brilliance with it and he has made an awesome comeback with his new film, Nine. Nine follows the story of a nearing-fifty year old director, Guido Contini struggling to come up with an idea for his new film during a period of midlife crisis. It's other main focus is his romantic involvements in the film including his wife, his mistress, his film's star, his confidante, an American fashion journalist and a prostitute from his youth. I have to say that this film was spectacular and Marshall hit yet another mark with class and energetic performances and songs. The cinematography and lighting was dazzling yet simple. The music very bold and strong, as was Marion Collitard as Luisa Contini, Judi Dench as Lilli La Fleur and Daniel Day Lewis as Guido. The musical numbers were well executed but toned down since Chicago, having some sort of realism linked to them; my favourite being Be Italian or Take it All. I also loved the final scene, though I will not give anything away. With praise comes criticism so here are mine: it felt a bit chunky and stuck in some bits and the script was a bit weak but it was overall a great film. You'll probably find this somewhere in my top fifteen.

Verdict: Marshall captures the true spirit of Italia; the earthy nature, passion and love-filled relationships within every Italian, whether it be between people or careers. Love it. And if a star rating is what you want, I'd say 4/5 stars, but truly classy and picturesque.
The Films of 2010.
Apart from the 'Summer' films that are being released (here it would be glorious winter) the movies being released this year don't actually look too bad. So, I am composing a list of the films that I want to see and if I can find a trailer, I shall link it so you can make an informative decision to whether you want to watch it or not. However, if I cannot find a trailer I'll probs just link you to IMDB or some shit. All the other films I haven't mentioned... well, we'll get to them, considering I'm mostly compiling this with an issue of Empire and I've really only read the ones that snatch my fancy.

Films I will not be missing:
Films I want to see but probably won't get to or I don't know about the release date and, possibly due to limited release:
Movies I wouldn't mind seeing but it wouldn't really bother me if I missed it.
Films I will be avoiding:
  • Most summer epics but if I'm THAT bored. Perhaps.
  • Twisuck Saga: Eclipse.
  • Death at a Funeral - American edition.
  • Anything that Michael Bay is held accounted for.
Well, there you have it. It looks a bit grim near the end of the year but we'll see what happens.


Cut: 2009. Now rolling: 2010!
Yet another year has passed with out me asploding or getting into some terrible accident rendering me a vegetable and not being able to take a shit by myself. So, I guess I can't complain about this year... Considering I haven't died. Actually, there are a few hours left... Better not jinx it. Anyway, 2009 went incredibly fast, as has done most of the years I have been in high school. As I face grade 12 next year with academic brilliance and my colossal drama and film knowledge, it should be an eventful year. I guess I should succumb to nostalgia in this particular blog and reflect over the year I've lived through. I could say that I've broken my arm, but as it turns out, it was last year... Although I still manage to receive ridicule from students and teachers about the circumstances... Ugh. Actually, now that I think about it... I don't think I've injured myself on a large scale... My friends might have to help with this one... If not, SCORE! I have delved ever deeper into the arts with topping both my Drama and Film and Television classes, purchasing over 280 DVDs (including TV shows), attending extension acting classes, creating two productions (for school of coarse) and saw the following shows: Billy Elliot, Cats, Chicago, almost every La Boite Theatre Company production including, The White Earth, Blue Love, Pineapple Queen and The Kursk, went to Shakespeare in the park to watch The Tempest on hard ground with out pillows and finally, saw the comedy stylings of both Adam Hills and Tim Minchin (of whom I was able to see twice.) Read Empire magazine, finished the Harry Potter series, (stupidly) read the Twilight series and fallen in love with Pulp Fiction, Where the Wild Things Are, The Coen Brothers, Inglorious Basterds, (500) Days of Summer, The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, District 9, Alien(s) and shitloads more. Oh, not to mention James Cameron and his Pandora spectacular, Avatar. Fell more in love with musical theatre and indie music. Got my learners license and was in the school production of Hating Alison Ashley. Recieved an iPhone much to my dads dismay and marched in my first Same-sex marriage protest. Became a firm agnostic and became angry and ignorant to the concept but loved debating and discussing. And I now love the sixties.
I have never done New Years resolutions before so I guess I'll give it a go.
1. To not get so angry at things. I rage more than I should and am surprised I have not burst a blood vessel.
2. Keep doing well in school and come out on top of FTV and Drama yet again.
3. Start exercising... even if it's just a little bit.
4. Keep reading. The Harry Potter series was great and cannot believe I waited so long.
5. Become of age in the wizarding world with pride and learn spells along with Bronte.
6. Keep loving my friends and continue seeing Nick, Zoe and Izzie outside of school.
7. If my statement of not hurting myself is true, then I also hope that for the new year.

Well, I guess that's all from me at this stage. I hope you have a tumultuous New Year and I'll see you on the other side.


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I just watched The War On Democracy. A documentary focusing on the many coups that happened throughout Latin America. For those of you who don't know what a coup is, it's basically an overthrow of government, usually by military force. The main focus is on the relationship between the superpower, the United States of Fuckedupland's relationship with Venezuela, Bolivia and Chile, as well as many other Latin America countries. It begins by telling a story of hope for an extremely rich country (Venezuela), due to the incredulous amount of oil that is produced there but how there still seems to be a titanic amount of extreme poverty. While the rich live in expensive houses, drive fancy cars and succumb to capitalism, these people are left to squalor in slum-like housing on a gravity-defying slope. A man named Hugo Chavez, a man raised in the same poverty is elected as president of Venezuela became their beacon of hope. He gave them free health care and an important and viable education system. All seemed too good to be true, right? Well, that did happen and the US did not like it. One bit. So, how do we fix this threat to the 'American Way'? LABEL THEM COMMUNISTS, of coarse. Communists are the ultimate threat! The US people are too stupid to understand what they are, all they know is that they're bad! Let's fund anti-Chavez organizations and let the media be media, stop good things from happening... because who wants to watch happy stuff on the news? I know I don't. The US always finds a way to sneak into these situations, no matter how small. Little, or actually, certainly, they knew that people were being rounded up like cattle, being gang-raped, tortured and killed, just to stop 'the people' gaining power. What's so wrong with people wanting to own their own home? How is having the ability to receive heath care evil? or even education? HOW THE FUCK IS WANTING TO HAVE CLEAN WATER CONSIDERED A THREAT TO SOMEONE'S WAY OF LIFE?! The US really does make me sick when they just attack anything they don't like. Even if it's better for the people. What's even more of a mindfuck is that people support this; that these people can still have faith in some higher power when they provide funding for murder. I'm pretty sure that murdering is a definite no-no in the bible. Although there is some light at the end of this shit-storm of a tunnel. The more unfortunate are slowly rising through the ranks with Chavez back as president and other various 'knight's in shining armor' coming to power. I have lost my faith in democracy. The US is not a democracy. It's tyrannical force has ripped through Latin America like a serrated knife, leaving ripped sides and smeared blood. I just hope that Obama can do something to shut those stupid Communist-paranoid rednecks and get on with his job. Change. Now that I think about it, change will never happen. It really can't. Half of the people want a change back to conservative values and the other half want the change of equality. Not total equality, like Communism, don't worry, you'll still be able to be a stupid capitalistic society but human right equality is important in keeping people happy and being totally fair. The CIA need to fuck off for a minute and let these countries give it a shot to try and make things better for themselves. I leave you with two written works, the first by Victor Hugo, famous writer and the other from a Chilean musician who was killed by fascist tyrants during that time in Chile.

"All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come." - Victor Hugo.

The blood of our President, our compañero,
will strike with more strength than bombs and machine guns!
So will our fist strike again!
How hard it is to sing
when I must sing of horror.
Horror which I am living,
horror which I am dying.
To see myself among so much
and so many moments of infinity
in which silence and screams
are the end of my song.
What I see, I have never seen
What I have felt and what I feel
Will give birth to the moment ...
