I haven't really done this in a while so I thought I should at least write something, regardless of it being 12:30AM and regardless of my reluctance to go to bed, which I guess helps this situation. Holidays are nice. Playing hours and hours of Team Fortress 2 melts your brain pretty easily yet, brain melting is a price to be for entertainment. I use the word 'fantastic' too much. My adjectives when I'm trying to describe or respond to something is very limited. Fantastic. Amazing. Awesome. That's about as sophisticated as I get. Keep it simple or you'll have a Saw franchise on your hands. Seriously, first three movies were awesome (Ah?) yet it is now so complicated I've sort of lost interest and only watch them to see how they die. Oh how the morbid fascinations exist in a teenage mind. This is just me rambling. Forgive me, followers of thine blog. Bare with me. That's right. Get naked. I don't care that it's winter. You are no longer entitled to the joys of clothing. Anyway, I like sleep but the thing that annoys me about sleep is the moments before. Practically (almost) every time I go to sleep I wonder what happens when we go to sleep. Now, I don't want a long scientific explanation but the it would be amazing to have an out of body experience where you could see a running documentary (narrated by Morgan Freeman... Who else?) of what happens to your unconscious, your mind and your body when you went to sleep. Does that make sense? Oh well. Another thing is the time frame of sleep. In that [insert amount of hours] hours that you sleep, people are awake, doing things and possibly being awesome... or douchebags. Depends. Anyway, I find the fact that while that amount of time flickers by, between the time you drift and rise, people are dying, being born, having sex, working their crappy day jobs, creating art, making movies, dreaming of the future, taking a shit... All of that is happening while you are dreaming of some man/woman taking their clothes off or moving house, which occurred in my dream last night. That's food for thought. DO dreams mean anything? I have a friend who loves to decipher dreams, whether she's right or not is a different story but watching her trying to decipher a dream where someone was in said persons grandmothers house and two big red balls were suspended from the ceiling. I'd say it was sexual? What about you? Leave your impression of my vague recollection in the comments. Ah Regina, I love you. Listening to her now, by the way... Not when you read this, although that could happen... I listen to her a lot. Anyway, Regina Spektor's greatness aside what's next on the agenda? TOY STORY 3 has been released since last time we talked. I saw it three times in four days, starting on the release date. I loved it. And it made cry the first time. It is sad to see it go but at least it had a nice resolution. This may sound odd (or not at all), but I would be content if they left it there. Do you hear me Pixar? NO MORE! Focus on Monsters Inc. 2. I love Pixar. Which I guess could be seen as strange as Quentin Tarantino is one of my favourite directors. Ah, Pulp Fiction, you fantastic piece of film. I've also taken a liking to Sam Mendes. Seriously, you should check him out. American Beauty, Revolutionary Road, Away We Go, Jarhead. I feel like watching Rocky Horror Picture Show. Let's do the Time Warp again? Possibly another day. I don't feel like staying up that late. I might finish this and watch Will and Grace until I fall asleep. It's so cold! How's being nekkid? I bet you're colder than I am. There's this boy I like. Well, we haven't TECHNICALLY met. Go on. Give me you're fantastic cyber-pedophile speech... You done? Great. Anyway, I feel insecure about everything. I just don't want to disappoint him... Like, he'll take one look at me and run in the opposite direction... *sigh*, being a teenager can suck sometimes. He'll probably read this too. Ah, well. Iz good to get it out there. I'm not sexy. Really, I'm not. Maybe it would just be an awesome friendship. Am I even cut out for a relationship? I don't know. Fuck. Stereotypes. Fuck them so hard they're obliterated. Is this a dark place that the blog has come to? It's called thoughts, so I'm really just writing what I'm thinking. And yet there is so much you don't know about me. Ah well, there is time. Time heals all things. Or so they say. I miss Doctor Who now that it has finished its run in the UK. I also miss Torchwood... WHEN WILL CAPTAIN JACK RETURN? I don't know, but it better be fucking soon... And I have to wait until Christmas for DW. Despite the few bumps Series Six had, I still enjoyed it. But I am not giving anything away, So I'm going to stop talking about it. I wonder how long this blog is... Hey, did you hear, Texas is trying to ban sodomy. Fucking Texas. Oh well, America should just sell it to Mexico. It'd make for an interesting trade. I'm heading into my second last term of high school, which is fucking insane! Term 3 is the hardest. Motherfuckers. The big and frightening world is literally a few months away. Scary thought, right? Makes me feel a bit anxious... Then on to uni and onto bigger and greater things. To think I'm only 16 (17 on the 30th) and yet life seems to have dragged out this bit. When does life begin to speed by? Another item for thought. Okay, it's now 1:10AM. This shall draw to a close. (Now 1:11) Good evening/morning/midday/hazelnuts dear bloggers. --Maximillian: The flamboyant space cowboy. Labels: thoughts |