I just watched The War On Democracy. A documentary focusing on the many coups that happened throughout Latin America. For those of you who don't know what a coup is, it's basically an overthrow of government, usually by military force. The main focus is on the relationship between the superpower, the United States of Fuckedupland's relationship with Venezuela, Bolivia and Chile, as well as many other Latin America countries. It begins by telling a story of hope for an extremely rich country (Venezuela), due to the incredulous amount of oil that is produced there but how there still seems to be a titanic amount of extreme poverty. While the rich live in expensive houses, drive fancy cars and succumb to capitalism, these people are left to squalor in slum-like housing on a gravity-defying slope. A man named Hugo Chavez, a man raised in the same poverty is elected as president of Venezuela became their beacon of hope. He gave them free health care and an important and viable education system. All seemed too good to be true, right? Well, that did happen and the US did not like it. One bit. So, how do we fix this threat to the 'American Way'? LABEL THEM COMMUNISTS, of coarse. Communists are the ultimate threat! The US people are too stupid to understand what they are, all they know is that they're bad! Let's fund anti-Chavez organizations and let the media be media, stop good things from happening... because who wants to watch happy stuff on the news? I know I don't. The US always finds a way to sneak into these situations, no matter how small. Little, or actually, certainly, they knew that people were being rounded up like cattle, being gang-raped, tortured and killed, just to stop 'the people' gaining power. What's so wrong with people wanting to own their own home? How is having the ability to receive heath care evil? or even education? HOW THE FUCK IS WANTING TO HAVE CLEAN WATER CONSIDERED A THREAT TO SOMEONE'S WAY OF LIFE?! The US really does make me sick when they just attack anything they don't like. Even if it's better for the people. What's even more of a mindfuck is that people support this; that these people can still have faith in some higher power when they provide funding for murder. I'm pretty sure that murdering is a definite no-no in the bible. Although there is some light at the end of this shit-storm of a tunnel. The more unfortunate are slowly rising through the ranks with Chavez back as president and other various 'knight's in shining armor' coming to power. I have lost my faith in democracy. The US is not a democracy. It's tyrannical force has ripped through Latin America like a serrated knife, leaving ripped sides and smeared blood. I just hope that Obama can do something to shut those stupid Communist-paranoid rednecks and get on with his job. Change. Now that I think about it, change will never happen. It really can't. Half of the people want a change back to conservative values and the other half want the change of equality. Not total equality, like Communism, don't worry, you'll still be able to be a stupid capitalistic society but human right equality is important in keeping people happy and being totally fair. The CIA need to fuck off for a minute and let these countries give it a shot to try and make things better for themselves. I leave you with two written works, the first by Victor Hugo, famous writer and the other from a Chilean musician who was killed by fascist tyrants during that time in Chile."All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come." - Victor Hugo.--The blood of our President, our compañero, will strike with more strength than bombs and machine guns! So will our fist strike again! How hard it is to sing when I must sing of horror. Horror which I am living, horror which I am dying. To see myself among so much and so many moments of infinity in which silence and screams are the end of my song. What I see, I have never seen What I have felt and what I feel Will give birth to the moment ... --Max. |
posted by LameHobo at Sunday, December 27, 2009