"I'm not afraid to speak out, and say things that I want to do, or do the things that I want to do, so um, I think in the end, being natural, and being, being actually genuine is what wins." - Freddie Mercury.

"All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come." - Victor Hugo.

“More people have been slaughtered in the name of religion than for any other single reason. That, my friends, that is true perversion.” - Harvey Milk.

"Silence never won rights. They are not handed down from above; they are forced by pressures from below." - Roger Baldwin.

When an Awesome Force, Meets a Spectacular Object. The Best Omegle Conversation Ever.
An actual conversation I had with a Stranger on Omegle.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Quickly Harry, we must defeat the Dementors!
Stranger: Luigi, what happened to you?
You: Uhhh, well, long story short...
You: Voldemort stole Peach.
Stranger: Goddamn him!
You: How have the two most powerful forces come together?
You: they're in completely different formats
Stranger: The world is on the brink of change, my friend.
You: Communism?
You: Is that what you're telling me?!
You: Communism?!?!?!
Stranger: That fell long ago, my friend. The sneaky Americans, "liberating" everybody, that's the newest and most dangerous threat on the horizon.
You: *EL GASP*
Stranger: 'Tis true!
You: We must use the forces of magic and British accents combined to defeat those sneaky Americans.
Stranger: Unite our forces we must!
You: Quickly! Call Ghostbusters for a plan!
Stranger: It's too late, we're doomed!
You: Into the Dolorean and we shall go back in time!
Stranger: *jumps in*
You: *Doctor Who theme comes on*
You: Hmmm... We seemed to have landed in Cardiff
You: Yet again.
Stranger: Pinky, we must investigate!
You: I seem to have found the problem... There are a group of teenagers, under the name The Breakfast Club.
You: Whatever shall we do?
Stranger: Bribe them with crack!
You: It seems to be working!
You: Damn! Their 80s personas are too much!
You: Quickly! Hit them with shades of grey!
Stranger: *swoosh!*
You: Their crazy hairstyles and bright colours are diminishing!
You: It's super effective!
Stranger: Gah, the hair spray, it blinds!
You: So.... sticky....
You: Grab the lighter!
Stranger: *flicks switch*
You: *Breakfast Club asplodes*
You: Phew
You: That was a close one!
You: Jesus Christ! They seem to have created a hole in the ozone layer! Whatever shall we do?
Stranger: Bastards! We must bake them into a tuna pizza, quick!
You: In an eco-friendly oven, may I add!
You: Let us enjoy this tuna pizza while Captain Planet fixes everything.
You: Captain Planet is our bitch, is he not?
Stranger: Bitch in chains, yes sir.
You: It has been another successful day for the Justice League. *looks off into distance*
Stranger: *epic choir sings in the background*
You: *crescendos and fades to black*
The rest was just getting to know each other. Hope you enjoyed.

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