"I'm not afraid to speak out, and say things that I want to do, or do the things that I want to do, so um, I think in the end, being natural, and being, being actually genuine is what wins." - Freddie Mercury.

"All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come." - Victor Hugo.

“More people have been slaughtered in the name of religion than for any other single reason. That, my friends, that is true perversion.” - Harvey Milk.

"Silence never won rights. They are not handed down from above; they are forced by pressures from below." - Roger Baldwin.

Bollocks. Shit. Fuck. Soz.
I tried to keep that to a whole spectrum of characters...

I haven't written anything in a while and I don't really have a good excuse so I'll just say that I was stuck in a group sex scandal with a footballer... too soon?

I can't think of anything to write... Shit. Uhhhh... OH!

So, tomorrow, (Tuesday 19th) the Queensland Teachers Union thing are going on strike! This is good for a number of reasons: a) NO SCHOOL! b) There pay and rights are REALLY bad, like seriously fucked up, apparently like secondary school teachers get paid $7000 less than teachers in other states! And, their conditions are bad as well in terms of funding and learning equipment and stuff that are given to them cannot be discussed any further. Which is really unfair and pretty barbaric when you think about it. Sort of like Ancient Roman times when the big boss-guy (Emperor?) would make people fight to the death - they really didn't have any choice... So, this is how the teachers strike would play out in Roman times: The Emperor would be the Government/Parliament/Whatever and are making the current system and the teachers fight for the death. Now, I'm HOPING that the teachers will seriously fuck the current system up (MURDER) and go and dethrone the Government by decapitation. Of coarse, this is only a fantasy, but seriously, I do hope things turn out for the better. I bid you my support!

I have also started watching the Mighty Boosh which is incredibly awesomely awesome, if I may say so myself. My current favourite character at the moment if Old Gregg, as I have just finished season 2. As well as picking up the Boosh I have started something else, that is quite sad but is true. I STARTED READING THE HARRY POTTER SERIES! WEE! I'm almost finished book 2... I'm not really a fast reader, which can get annoying but I still enjoy them all the same.

Knowing me, I... Ha, that sounds weird, of coarse I know me... ANYWAY, I get into some pretty controversial arguments for the sake of arguing my POV. Ok, first of all, a few pet peeves of mine are, people or a system that denies people happiness and that people DO have a right to do whatever they want but these systems etc. stop them from achieving what they want. Ok, let's get to the topic, it's not necessarily pretty but for some reason I just love debating my point, but in doing so I also empathise with the other person, so, don't tell me I don't get where you're coming from... Abortion. It's there, it happens, full-stop. I'm pro-choice when it comes to this topic, simply because I think the mother has a right to decide whether she wants to raise a baby. Oh but what about killing an innocent child! ABORTION IS MURDER! Ok then, I understand your point but usually most people have a reason for abortion, like they are unable to carry a child or would not be able to support it (finacially etc.) so, when looking at it from that point of view you are essentially killing the baby/small child through starvation and restriction. You are ruining their lives, even before they're born, because, let's face it, in this fucking stupid capitalistic society, we need money and power to be successful and if a mother feels that she cannot support a small child, she has all the right to go ahead and abort.

Same-sex marriages and teachings. Does it really pose a risk to your health? Your future? YOUR LIFE, IN ANYWAY POSSIBLE? Why don't you just give us what we want and get on with our lives. It goes against the word of God! Seriously, how is this still an argument! Pretty much this just arrises the fact that those people failed at destroying all the sin that was created in Sodom & Gommorrah. And, I thought God would want people to happy, "be fruitful" and all that jazz. But he also said "and multiply" hence the creation of man and women. So what if we can't naturally CONCIEVE children, we can still HAVE one, through adoption or IVF. We can still raise children, just like a normal and happy family, except for the whole "mum and dad" thing. We still love each other, like a family should. Also, there are PLENTY of straight couples out there, can't we just "be fruitful," but you just get that added bonus of being able to "multiply" naturally and be happy as 'God' intended the human race to be? GAY PARENTS RAISE GAY CHILDREN! This is seriously a *facepalm* analogy. Has there been ANY (even basic) scientific or surveyed research to even SUGGEST that gays raise gays. You cannot 'learn or shape' a sexual orientation, you are born with it, it is written into your DNA (
genes, prenatal hormones, and brain structure). Your upbringing simply forms your values, attitudes and beliefs about certain topics and issues, not something that is written in your biological structure. Also, censoring you child from this or any other issue, again in my opinion, is a bad idea. Simply because it happens and you can't shield them from things that actually happen and the INVOLVE REAL PEOPLE! So what I'm getting at here is the age ol' statement: We're here, we're queer, get the fuck used to it (because we're here to stay and cannot be changed)!

Well, that's enough venting for now!

Amour et la Paix!


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Soz about the font!

It seriously hates me!

Just bare with me and reads please!

18 May 2009 at 10:57 pm  

Meh, teacher's get paid fine. Yes, I can understand them wanting equal wages to other states (that's reasonable), but they already get $60 an hour.

18 May 2009 at 11:08 pm  

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