A Sticky Yet Amusing Situation...
Blu-tack. One of the world's greatest invention since sticky-tape. Now, I was really bored and I had a substantial amount of blu-tack so I gots creative. --This is Gaston: The cocky Frenchman! "I am French, I stick my nose up at you, FAWFAWFAW!" --TIS HITLER! RUN JEWS AND MARCH NAZI'S! --Fruity Chopper Reed... --"My eyebrows make me frumpy..." --*Tear* --*SQUEEZE!* -- "WTF! My mustache... it snapped in two..." -- "Ok, this sinus problem is getting out of hand..." -- "Hey sexy, checkin' out ma unibrow..." ENJOY MY BORED AND WEIRDNESS! Labels: blu-tack mustache |
AHahhaa. I love it. I love the Gaston one. =D. Havent spoken to you in while hopefully i'll see you at TED! xx Danni