Human superiority and stupidity.
So, this little girl was savagely attacked by a wallaby. Alright, I do admit that it looked bad and the little girl was cute and is was tragic for the mother to watch, blah blah blah. But the thing that really pissed me off was when they said this, "the wallaby situation is getting out of hand and want them to be clubbed." WHAT. THE. FUCK. Ok, seriously, just because we're humans doesn't give us the right to randomly start clubbing an animal because "its getting out of control." This is the equivalent of a small child with blonde hair biting another child and therefore all the small little blonde children have to be killed because it is now considered dangerous because that one little blonde kit bit the other kid. See? You wouldn't harm a small and supposedly innocent child now would you? What the hell separates a wallaby from that? Do not even say that we are superior because we're all here. Just wait until the tables are turned and we are killed off to feed cows and sheep. IT HAPPENS! Get the fuck over it. |
posted by LameHobo at Friday, November 20, 2009