Ignorance? Is it me or them? Or possibly us all?
Tonight I was waiting outside somewhere for my mum. I was standing there being all 'loiter-y' when I notice a couple with a small child coming toward me. Now, I could tell they were American from their accents, although that's not really important... but it kinda is but for the purpose of this story it isn't. So, this is basically what happened (totally paraphrasing but the idea is still there): Son: Mummy, why do animals have tails? Mum: I'm not sure son... (They start turning into a stairwell) Mum: But I'm sure God made them in his eye... DON'T TELL HIM THAT YOU STUPID WOMAN! I literally felt like yelling "SHE'S LYING TO YOU!" down the stairwell but restrained myself as I really didn't want to get into a fight with a religious middle aged woman and her husband... He is just a child and is likely to believe you! Do not use the innocence of a child to bludgeon him with religious values, even though he may not know it. It just pisses me off when they blatantly deny scientific experimentation etc. because if she knew about FACTS and EVIDENCE then she would know that it has something to do with adaptation as to help the animal to survive, not some bloody cock-and-bull story about creation. Now, I'm not sure why this angers me so much because it's either my ignorance to religion or that they are ignorant to science, evidence and facts... That's my rant for this evening, Goodnight. Labels: anger, athiest, biggest load of bullshit, Christianity, creation, indoctrination |

Oh kris i always love your rambles about the stupidity of religion and there beleives...i was not disapointed, and of course agree with you. However we could be wrong, and there could be people talking about how stupid we are in beleiving that there isnt some guy looking over us...