"I'm not afraid to speak out, and say things that I want to do, or do the things that I want to do, so um, I think in the end, being natural, and being, being actually genuine is what wins." - Freddie Mercury.

"All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come." - Victor Hugo.

“More people have been slaughtered in the name of religion than for any other single reason. That, my friends, that is true perversion.” - Harvey Milk.

"Silence never won rights. They are not handed down from above; they are forced by pressures from below." - Roger Baldwin.

BEDHWP #4: Sleepover's and the catch-up blog.
Well, today is Monday.
On Saturday morning, I watch August Rush, which is an amazingly uplifting film. Seriously, you should watch it...
Then, it twas SLEEPOVER TIME! Wew! Two of my best friends came over for a sleepover. It was an awesome time. We ate, played 'Bullshit' (the card game) and one game ended up lasting for 30 minutes... Don't ask me how. 'Fluffy Bunny' then followed, which is a hilarious game with marshmallows - just imagine three people sitting around shoving marshmallows in their mouths, saying 'Fluffy Bunny' between each one. The last round was a moment, I tell ya; I pretty much shoved the last one in my mouth and started laughing, which meant that the whole marshmallow fortress inside my mouth collapsed and you can guess what happened next... We then settled and watched Pulp Fiction; one of the best movies ever. After that, we just talked and fell asleep. And the next day was filled with us being capitalitic bastards trying to dominate the realm of real estate in a few riveting games of Monopoly and ended with us laughing till our stomachs hurt with Powerthirst, Powerthirst 2 - Redomination and, Hal the Misinterpretive Porn Star.
It was an awesome sleepover and today I just plan on reading Harry Potter and watching Will & Grace.

Goodbye for now.

wish i was there =[

heehee, the captcha is "doweda"

29 June 2009 at 1:37 pm  

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