Crystal Perfection - Part II
YOU MUST READ PART I FIRST!!!!!! I HAVE TO STRESS THAT!!!! Anyway back to the story... ----- The tall figure that surfaced had long straight black locks of hair that travelled down his neck. The neck was built into a perfectly formed muscled torso following into a sinuous pelvis, covered by a cloth that connected with toned yet thin legs, his russet skin radiant in the sunlight. “Hello,” the stranger announced. My eyes snapped up to his beautiful face; distinct cheekbones, that met at a rounded jaw that had an indistinct apex. Then, greeted by his supple lips, the top lip being more full than the other. Bridging with his carved nose shifting up to crystal blue eyes that reflect the water in this very brook; eyes that you could drown in and be lost forever; contrasting from the colour of his auburn skin. “My name is Takoda, what is yours?” He asked. “Kai...” I stammered; dumfounded by his beauty. A warm breeze picks up and makes Takoda’s hair move with it, elegantly. “Kai!” hollered Kotori from the top of the cliff. “Follow me,” I told Takoda. Takoda followed my order and made his way through the river to my side. He stood tall next to me; he smiled, revealing two rows of white sparkling teeth. We made our way up the bank. We we’re greeted with strange looks once we arrived. “This is Takoda, he was on the other side of the river when I was down there washing my cloth,” I explained to my fellow tribe members. “Welcome, Takoda, to our tribe,” Kotori said, “This is Isi, Iye and I am Kotori,” pointing to each individual as he spoke. “We were on our way to hunt and find other bodies, now that you are here, would you like to help us, Takoda?” he asked him. Takoda’s face brightened and he smiled his flawless smile. “I would be more than happy,” Takoda answered. “Very well, Isi, you will stay behind with Kai to prepare for tonight’s feast; to welcome our guest,” Kotori ordered. Isi shrieked at his proposal. The forest awaited them and they marched into the undergrowth. I sat down, on the dirt, extended my long legs and leant on one arm; my other hand drew patterns into the dust. Isi flittered over and sat next to me. She smiled at me and I felt obliged to smile back, so I did. “Now that we’re alone...” she whispered and placed her hand on my shoulder. I was confused at this gesture. I told her the truth of how I felt about her. She then, placed her other hand on my leg. And quickly stroked the inner part of my leg. She then swung herself over on top of me and roughly kissed me. This happened too fast for my belief. “What are you doing?!” I screamed at her. “Satisfying my needs!” she replied. “I don’t want you! Sister!” I screamed again and grabbed her arms and attempted to pull her off me. I succeeded without hurting her, which I would never want to do. She screamed as I dragged her off my body. A faint smell of charcoal filled the air and I vaguely saw a pillar of black smoke escalating from inside the forest. “Look!” I cried, “They must have found more bodies!” She turned around and grunted. At that moment, the other tribe members stepped through the shrubbery and into the campsite, Takoda bearing a wild boar on his broad shoulders and Iye laughing. “We found a colony of rabbits, slaughtered by the beast and we stumbled across another boar, the feast will be a success!” Kotori gloated. “I shall go collect brushwood for tonight’s fire,” I decided quickly so I could ponder on what just happened. I slowly walked towards the trees that bordered our camp and escaped through them into the lively forest. Why would she do that? I am completely bewildered by what she just tried to do. When will she understand that I don’t love her? I gathered the wood and dry leaves as I went. Should I confront her on the act she committed? Or forget about it? I was near the river and something caught my eye as I glanced up toward the canopy, movement up on the cliff. It could be Isi, I will go and speak to her, I decided and made my way up to the cliff. I reached the hard rocky ground that is the cliff and stepped on dry leaves, which crinkled under my pressured. Takoda jumped and stood up before me from behind a shrub, startling me in the process. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” I apologised. “I’m unscathed, it’s all right, you just surprised me,” he exclaimed. I moved in closer and sat down on the edge. He sat down next to me, his strong and rugged body crunched as he eased onto the hard ground. His picturesque eyes struck me. “Why were you alone when I found you?” I asked, curious. “I was exiled from my clan for I was said to be possessed. My blue eyes are very rare. Ancient legends say that the last being with blue eyes murdered and fed on six fellow tribe members. Ever since I was old enough, I’ve been alone,” he explained his heart wrenching story. “That’s frightful!” I replied, shocked. “I could not imagine a life without my fellow tribe... I would be lost without them. My tribe will accept you as we are not bias.” “Thank you, Kai. It is very humid, should we go swimming?” he suggested. “I would like that,” I agreed, thoughtfully. He heaved himself up onto his feet; I did the same. His hands slid down his body and hooked into his cloth. His cloth dropped, revealing the rest of his lithe and impeccably formed pelvis. His perfect body now complete and standing before me. He smiled and said: “I hope you don’t mind; the water is a place to feel ultimate freedom.” “It’s all right,” I replied and slid down my own slender body, my hands removed the cloth and I stepped out of them. His face brightened more at my acceptance. He placed his hand on my shoulder and me heart quickened slightly. “Let’s jump,” he proposed. We walked to the edge and flew off the edge. We drifted toward the water. I looked at him the air blowing through his smooth hair, over his elegant body and we hit the water, plummeting into the blue. We resurfaced, his long hair damp sticking to his scalp and youthful face. He wiped it out of his face. I ran my hand through my hair. The water made me fell free – raw. “Lets swim to the waterfall,” I advocated. He nodded and we made our way to the stream of falling water. Our bodies glided in the river. The water droplets impaled the water as they fell from the stream on higher land. I dipped my head back in the water – the sound more concentrated and I whirled through the wall of bubbles and reached the other side. An echoic cove greeted me with the sound of the water on water. Takoda followed my lead and his head broke the surface; his face covered with his hair again. I laughed and wiped it away from his face. My hand stroked his jaw line. And our bodies shifted closer and his lips drew closer to mine... |
posted by LameHobo at Thursday, December 04, 2008

oops I thought I was ticking awsome but i only ticked nice. Should be awsome. Wanted you to know