I'm 'sick' of it!
FUCKING SWINE FLU! I am so sick of hearing about the swine flu! "We're all gonna die! Stay away from public places!" - Get over yourselves! The normal flu is more deadly than the swine flu itself. The only people who have DIED from at are mainly Mexicans, and no offense to them, but I'm not really surprised... Simply because their living conditions are a shitload worse than ours! Also, I think it has become this scary is because of a) the media has just been like "SWINE FLU! SWINE FLU! WE'RE ALL GONNA FUCKING DIE! LOCK YOUR DOORS AND WINDOWS AND AVOID EVERYONE FUCKING ELSE!" and b) It's derivative from pigs... and when you think about it our blood and pigs blood are quite the same... Ugh, the mentality of some people; I have this to tell you: YOU ARE NOT GOING TO DIE! STOP PANICKING! TELL THE MEDIA TO SHUT THE FUCK UP! (If you had enough brains you would have seen through the hype and seen that it really isn't that scary) AND GET OVER YOURSELVES! ENJOY LIFE! --That is all... - LameHobo Labels: GET THE FUCK OVER YOURSELVES, ZOMG SWINE FLU WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE |