Theatre Experience Day... & Crimson Jeopardy.
Yesterday, I went to T.E.D (annotation mentioned above). The reason I love this day is because you get to see the realm of creativity that is the Australian Acting Academy and it's students. Twas a hilarious and awesome day filled day with an amazing group of people. The regular classes did a great job and my old South Brisbane class did me (and Izzie) proud! After, was Extension One's turn. My class. Now, I don't mean to toot my own horn, but WE WE'RE AWESOME! It was an improvised performance, as well as the other extension classes, and I ended up playing the world's stupidest police officer; the sum of my character was, "I suspect you're the murderer, but I'm not going top do anything about it!" Considering the fact that my partner was the murderer and I even helped move a body at one point. Moving on... EXTENSION TWO WAS AWESOME TOO! Turns out, in Izzie's scene, she got cancer but twisted it into a rant about Twilight, which was HILARIOUS! And the line "I should've had sons..." TOTES CLASSIC! And props to Extension three, due to the fantastic performances and structure! TWAS AMAZING! And, when all is said and done, it was a fucking fantastic-amazing-awesomesauce-filled day! ------ Also, my first Film and Television assignmentis up on YouTube... Check it out! Labels: [Insert related labels here] |