"I'm not afraid to speak out, and say things that I want to do, or do the things that I want to do, so um, I think in the end, being natural, and being, being actually genuine is what wins." - Freddie Mercury.

"All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come." - Victor Hugo.

“More people have been slaughtered in the name of religion than for any other single reason. That, my friends, that is true perversion.” - Harvey Milk.

"Silence never won rights. They are not handed down from above; they are forced by pressures from below." - Roger Baldwin.

Cut: 2009. Now rolling: 2010!
Yet another year has passed with out me asploding or getting into some terrible accident rendering me a vegetable and not being able to take a shit by myself. So, I guess I can't complain about this year... Considering I haven't died. Actually, there are a few hours left... Better not jinx it. Anyway, 2009 went incredibly fast, as has done most of the years I have been in high school. As I face grade 12 next year with academic brilliance and my colossal drama and film knowledge, it should be an eventful year. I guess I should succumb to nostalgia in this particular blog and reflect over the year I've lived through. I could say that I've broken my arm, but as it turns out, it was last year... Although I still manage to receive ridicule from students and teachers about the circumstances... Ugh. Actually, now that I think about it... I don't think I've injured myself on a large scale... My friends might have to help with this one... If not, SCORE! I have delved ever deeper into the arts with topping both my Drama and Film and Television classes, purchasing over 280 DVDs (including TV shows), attending extension acting classes, creating two productions (for school of coarse) and saw the following shows: Billy Elliot, Cats, Chicago, almost every La Boite Theatre Company production including, The White Earth, Blue Love, Pineapple Queen and The Kursk, went to Shakespeare in the park to watch The Tempest on hard ground with out pillows and finally, saw the comedy stylings of both Adam Hills and Tim Minchin (of whom I was able to see twice.) Read Empire magazine, finished the Harry Potter series, (stupidly) read the Twilight series and fallen in love with Pulp Fiction, Where the Wild Things Are, The Coen Brothers, Inglorious Basterds, (500) Days of Summer, The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, District 9, Alien(s) and shitloads more. Oh, not to mention James Cameron and his Pandora spectacular, Avatar. Fell more in love with musical theatre and indie music. Got my learners license and was in the school production of Hating Alison Ashley. Recieved an iPhone much to my dads dismay and marched in my first Same-sex marriage protest. Became a firm agnostic and became angry and ignorant to the concept but loved debating and discussing. And I now love the sixties.
I have never done New Years resolutions before so I guess I'll give it a go.
1. To not get so angry at things. I rage more than I should and am surprised I have not burst a blood vessel.
2. Keep doing well in school and come out on top of FTV and Drama yet again.
3. Start exercising... even if it's just a little bit.
4. Keep reading. The Harry Potter series was great and cannot believe I waited so long.
5. Become of age in the wizarding world with pride and learn spells along with Bronte.
6. Keep loving my friends and continue seeing Nick, Zoe and Izzie outside of school.
7. If my statement of not hurting myself is true, then I also hope that for the new year.

Well, I guess that's all from me at this stage. I hope you have a tumultuous New Year and I'll see you on the other side.


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I just watched The War On Democracy. A documentary focusing on the many coups that happened throughout Latin America. For those of you who don't know what a coup is, it's basically an overthrow of government, usually by military force. The main focus is on the relationship between the superpower, the United States of Fuckedupland's relationship with Venezuela, Bolivia and Chile, as well as many other Latin America countries. It begins by telling a story of hope for an extremely rich country (Venezuela), due to the incredulous amount of oil that is produced there but how there still seems to be a titanic amount of extreme poverty. While the rich live in expensive houses, drive fancy cars and succumb to capitalism, these people are left to squalor in slum-like housing on a gravity-defying slope. A man named Hugo Chavez, a man raised in the same poverty is elected as president of Venezuela became their beacon of hope. He gave them free health care and an important and viable education system. All seemed too good to be true, right? Well, that did happen and the US did not like it. One bit. So, how do we fix this threat to the 'American Way'? LABEL THEM COMMUNISTS, of coarse. Communists are the ultimate threat! The US people are too stupid to understand what they are, all they know is that they're bad! Let's fund anti-Chavez organizations and let the media be media, stop good things from happening... because who wants to watch happy stuff on the news? I know I don't. The US always finds a way to sneak into these situations, no matter how small. Little, or actually, certainly, they knew that people were being rounded up like cattle, being gang-raped, tortured and killed, just to stop 'the people' gaining power. What's so wrong with people wanting to own their own home? How is having the ability to receive heath care evil? or even education? HOW THE FUCK IS WANTING TO HAVE CLEAN WATER CONSIDERED A THREAT TO SOMEONE'S WAY OF LIFE?! The US really does make me sick when they just attack anything they don't like. Even if it's better for the people. What's even more of a mindfuck is that people support this; that these people can still have faith in some higher power when they provide funding for murder. I'm pretty sure that murdering is a definite no-no in the bible. Although there is some light at the end of this shit-storm of a tunnel. The more unfortunate are slowly rising through the ranks with Chavez back as president and other various 'knight's in shining armor' coming to power. I have lost my faith in democracy. The US is not a democracy. It's tyrannical force has ripped through Latin America like a serrated knife, leaving ripped sides and smeared blood. I just hope that Obama can do something to shut those stupid Communist-paranoid rednecks and get on with his job. Change. Now that I think about it, change will never happen. It really can't. Half of the people want a change back to conservative values and the other half want the change of equality. Not total equality, like Communism, don't worry, you'll still be able to be a stupid capitalistic society but human right equality is important in keeping people happy and being totally fair. The CIA need to fuck off for a minute and let these countries give it a shot to try and make things better for themselves. I leave you with two written works, the first by Victor Hugo, famous writer and the other from a Chilean musician who was killed by fascist tyrants during that time in Chile.

"All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come." - Victor Hugo.

The blood of our President, our compañero,
will strike with more strength than bombs and machine guns!
So will our fist strike again!
How hard it is to sing
when I must sing of horror.
Horror which I am living,
horror which I am dying.
To see myself among so much
and so many moments of infinity
in which silence and screams
are the end of my song.
What I see, I have never seen
What I have felt and what I feel
Will give birth to the moment ...

Avatar: The Review.
...Oh my God. This movie was... It was... It is being lost for words. It was amazing. It was brilliant. It was just a sub-meaning of 'awesome'. The plot was enjoyable, like, for what was happening, it had the perfect running time. The effects and Pandora was just mind-blowing. You seriously left the film like you wanted to live there. It's hard to write a review with this movie because it's easier picking bad things in a film. This film didn't have many bad things, and if there were any mistakes it was extremely subtle and was worthy of forgetting. I do admit the plot was a bit Hollywood at times but that can be forgiven. Fucking amazing and mind blowing film.

Verdict: 5/5 stars. Really, if you miss this you should be shot.

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'Twas the Night Before Christmas: The Updated Version.
‘Twas the night before Christmas, all were out shopping,
For hopes to keep children happy with material gift swapping,
Home they trot to wrap these large gifts,
When the homeless outside are forced to thrift.
They gorge down large turkeys and drink their French wine,
Is being wealthy that much of a crime?
If the poor wanted money, they would find jobs,
And not laze around like dirty old slobs.
Why should we help them with their needs?
For we are of much higher breeds.
The children dress in their silk bedclothes,
When ready for bed they propose,
To leave a plate of cookies and a glass of milk,
While lonely men and addicts are reduced to bilk.
Scanning the streets for prostitutes and drugs,
As these children enjoy hot chocolate in warm mugs.
Before they rest their small heads on soft pillows,
Waiting for an obese man in red to soar through billows.
A mythical man, devised to bring children toys,
As well as an overwhelming feeling of joy,
While more unfortunate children miss his caper,
They slowly wither and freeze on thin paper.
These children, women and men,
Are soon forgotten yet again,
When children begin to open presents,
Full of pretty contents,
Which fills them with a hollow sense of delight,
As few still remember one supposed man’s plight.
One man who died for our sins,
To save humanities skin.
Have we really lost the plot?
The story and meaning of Christmas, forgot?
That baby, born in a manger,
From a virgin stranger.
The story may seem confusing,
Or even a little bit amusing,
But the hidden message,
That major presage,
When faced with Judgement Day,
Have you tried to help someone today?
In such a festive time,
Depression and loneliness are still prime,
So, don’t be so selfish and hostile,
Give them something to make them smile.
Whether it be a meal or a donation,
Kindness and charity stops that temptation,
For reaching for that sharp blade,
To end their harsh crusade.
Now, whether the story of Jesus is true,
I cannot really tell you,
For a lack of evidence even exists,
To suggest if God or Jesus arose from the abyss.
Besides, the 25th was stolen from the Pagan sun God, Sol,
So it was decided that today Jesus began his role.
Forget capitalism and help someone tonight,
Happy Christmas to all, and to all, a good-night.

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Four things I'm sick of.
  1. Tiger Wood's sex scandal - I do not give a fuck anymore. News time is being wasted. Talk about something beneficial. Leave it to the trashy magazines.
  2. All types of footballer scandal. It's just annoying, and like above, really don't give a fuck anymore. Let them ruin their bodies with drugs and have various orgies. You only live once, right?
  3. Hollywood ruining everything. Seriously, an American version of Death at a Funeral is like a huge slap in the face, having your eyes gouged out with a spork, having every part of your body in 3rd degree burns and then being backhanded. Also, Michael Bay should just GTFO right now. Your remakes are shit.
  4. Religion. Blah blah blah... WTF-is-le-Bible... blah blah blah... You've heard it all before.
My thoughts during New Moon.
Holy mother of God. I can't believe I saw this sad excuse for a vampire and werewolf film.

It was terrible. The only person I feel sorry for is Michael Sheen because he still remains to be awesome.

During the film, I decided to have a running commentary that I was whispering to my friends as to not upset any twitards in the theatre because they would probably find a way to rip my soul out.

Here are some of the things I said/ thought while I was being tortured:
  • Almost every time that Edward was near Bella I would turn and be like "OM NOM NOM." This was escalated in the scene when E & B were in the forest, "Wait for it... He's gonna eat her... wait for it... OM NOM NOM!"
  • Every time they kissed I would make sucking noises because they actually made worse ones; seriously, it sounded like they were having sex.
  • Every time Edward was at Bella's house or in her room I would escalate from: "Creepy" to "This is still fucking creepy."
  • Every time Jacob had his shirt on I would say: "Take it off! You don't have anything else to offer."
  • Thought: Just because you are a vampire doesn't mean you can stop acting... Oh wait, you can't act... Never mind
  • Thought: This humor is as dry as the middle of Australia or the Sahara desert.
  • The whole time Bella either looked constipated or she had her period. An extremely heavy and painful one. Although, once she looked spaced-out and stoned.
  • Bella has turned into a schizophrenic.
  • Robert Pattinson does not look good shirtless and has funny nipples.
  • In one of the opening shots when Edward is walking from his car in slow motion all I could think was "Oh my fucking god... What have I gotten myself into?"
  • Every time Michael Sheen was on the screen, I would slap my friend sitting next to me and say "OH MY GOD! IT'S MICHAEL SHEEN!"
  • They continued to tell us stuff through short clips which was irritating because anyone who has seen the first is most likely here. We're not idiots you stupid filmmakers... Oh wait, It's part of the Twilight Saga... Never mind.
  • Throughout the entire film I was also annoying my friends which were beside and in front of me. I was that bored.
My only favourite bit was when the credits started to roll... And possibly when Michael Sheen was on screen... Twas such a relief when it ended. You have no idea. Unless you've seen it of coarse.

Verdict: 1.5/5 stars. This dry and cliche film is nothing but the ruins of original and awesome fantasy creatures. Meyer has ruined fantasy for the coming generations.

If you want good films to see, I recommend Where the Wild Things Are and Zombieland. They both earn their 4/5 stars. WTWTA seems to find that inner-child of yours and make it roam with pure and wild joy. Zombieland would have to be the funniest zombie film ever; it blanaces between being scary and being funny quite nicely.


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