Crystal Perfection - Part III
READ PART I & II BEFORE THIS ONE!!! BTW: THIS PART HAS MORE SEXUAL REFERENCES!!!! ----- An infinite force of attraction came over me; my heart started racing. His supple and full lips connected with mine, his breath was sweet and warm. Our naked bodies united. His hard rippled body pressed up against my slender one; my smooth thin legs intertwined around his muscular midriff. We moved as one as our tongues wrestled passionately together; it tasted like a sweet summer fruit. Our lips disconnected as his made their way down my neck; I grabbed his hair and pulled it slightly, raw and savage. I moaned with delight. His hands and nails travelled all over my back; he reached the base of my neck, I grabbed his cheeks and pulled his face upward so our lips could meet once again. Another kiss broke into fiery obsession and his tongue met mine again. My hands searched his neck to his buttocks in ultimate lust, our tongues enjoying the friction of passion, our chests rubbing together. All my senses were over taken by our ‘leap of faith’. My mouth pulled away from his, breath still warm and sweet. We held each other firmly into place. Close. Each limb connected with another. I muttered: “I love you, Takoda...” I kissed his neck. “I love you too, Kai...” he replied and our lips touched again, our tongues touching one more time. My arms wrapped around him and we stared into each other’s eyes. “Let’s swim to the bank and watch the sun set,” I suggested to my lover. “As long we are together, all right,” he replied. We soared through the water, hand-in-hand until we reached the bank. The water retracting off of our bodies as we left it and started towards the flora. We found a spot where citrus-coloured leaves had fallen. Takoda lay on them, crunching under his weight. He opened his arm and I lay down next to him, my shoulder in the crook of his and my head resting on his chest. Our unprotected bodies lay close. He moved his hand for side to side, playing with my hair. I lifted my hand and lay it on his chest. Where my fingers caressed his torso; running along the ridges in his perfect chest. My leg repositioned to lie on both of his, my whole body pressing against his side; he curled my hair around his fingers. We watched the sky as it turned to a soft yellow and that drifted into a vivacious pink splashed with bits of orange. My hand now caressing his whole body, he kissed my head. As the pink slowly faded from the sky leaving the orange by itself, we heard Isi from a distance: “Kai! Takoda! The meal is almost ready!” I swung myself over on top of him. He smiled and my chest was drawn to his, my body slid down onto his, mine now reflecting his as if we were a reflection of beauty. I kissed him again, our bodies desiring each other, our tongues flittering with each other. My hand ran down his chest, down his stomach, onto his pelvis and reaching the base of his leg as his arms crushed me into his body. I laughed and so did he, blowing the sweet scent in my face. “We must go,” I said as my hand returned to lie on his cheek, “Isi will be angry if we disobey her.” “Then, lets go” he said kissing me again while running his hands, tickling me all over my body. I stood up and stretched; my limbs tired. He followed me to become vertical and I rested my arms around him. I let go and ran one finger down his chest. I lead, back to the bank and we swam across together. We made a detour via the cliff, to retrieve our cloths. We slid them op our bodies and returned back to the camp. The boar almost finished roasting, Kotori, Iye and Isi were sitting closest to the spit handle. Takoda and I sat opposite them from the roaring fire. The unneeded warmth from the fire attacked my skin, making me sweat. Isi glared at us, suspicion filled her eyes. I caught a glimpse a Takoda in my eye, his russet skin shimmering against the glow of the fire; oh how he is beautiful! After the meal, I was exhausted. I decided to retire to my tent. I trudged over; dusting myself off, I took my cloth of and left it on the outside. I lay down on the ground of my tent, hard but comfortable against my aching limbs. I drifted off into the darkness that is fatigue. I woke, outside dim with the rising sun. Dawn. I felt skin on the back of my slender body. A hand stroking my inner thighs and stomach, I could feel him breathing as it ran down my neck and across my back. His chest pressed against my back, hard but I moulded into it impeccably. I turned over, to face my lover. I stared at him in the eyes; those pulsating crystal blue eyes. With our stomachs touching and his hand massaging my back I felt happy, for the first time in my life. “Let’s swim quickly before everyone else rises,” he said. I kissed him on the forehead and he led the way down to the river. Being careful where we stepped we finally reached the edge of the brook. We swam under the cliff face. I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and tightened my arms to press his powerful body up against my lean smaller body. He thrust me savagely against his lithe pelvis and kissed me roughly; his tongue fighting mine as his breath tickled down my throat once again. I embraced his back, rubbing it and he lifted me from the ground so I would grab his waist with my legs, I followed his lead, his hands grabbing and my buttocks and legs. This lust-filled primitive kiss was strangely passionate and loving. Our bodies rubbed together as our tongues were in unison, his rock hard chest against mine. This act sent tingles up my spine. *Splash*. Something had hit the water next to us. I turned my head, which sent Takoda kissing my neck, and I saw ripples that reacted to the falling rock. I looked up to see a full set of hair blowing fiercely in the wind. The figure turned away rigidly as a crack of thunder rumbled through the air. “Someone has spotted us!” I exclaimed; he stopped dead as I uttered these words. “We shall return and tell them of us.” “That would be the right thing to do,” Takoda said. We swam back to the bank and stepped onto the crunch of the fallen leaves. Takoda lead the way up the hill. We arrived back at the camp and no one was to be seen. Takoda took another step inside the tribal area. Something flickered behind a shrub. A small gleam caught the thing inside the shrub and it was an auburn colour. The sun must be rising. Everything clicked at that very moment and Takoda took another step forward. Isi jumped out from beyond the foliage and thrust a knife into Takoda. “NOOOOO!!” I cried. Takoda turned to face me, blood escaping quickly from a deep and distinct gash across his once perfect chest. Rain had started to pour and diluted some of the blood. My love was dying. “He is mine!” Isi screamed at the dying man. I started to tremble. Rage boiled and burned up inside me and it swelled over. I ran and lunged at Isi, hitting her in the face as my body hit hers. She hit me back in the stomach; I doubled over from the pain. She grabbed a stick and lashed out at me with it. She hit my back, which was the new site of pain. I screamed at her to stop but she kicked me in the stomach. Her face full of envy and rage she swung the wooden weapon downward toward my face. I put my hand up in defence. As it made contact with my hand I grabbed it from her. Seeing the opportunity I hit her square in the ankle with my other hand; she screamed and fell to the earth. I yanked the stick from her hand and jumped to my feet. A bit unsteady and dizzy I repositioned to be as coordinated as possible. She leapt off the ground and pounced at me, I screamed in rage and plunged the stick into her stomach. A strange regurgitation sound escaped her lips and blood ran from her mouth. *Thump*. She hit the ground. Dead. Sorrow hit me like an arrow – it hit my heart and made it bleed at the sight of Takoda. I rushed to his side and lifted him up with one of my arms. Tears eroded from my eyes as I stared into his. I wiped the hair out of his face. “Don’t die, please!” I cried, my tears hitting his chest and melting with the rain. “I... Love... You...” he muttered, a single tear escaped from his crystal eyes. “I love you! Please don’t leave me!” I blubbered, almost whispered. I descended towards his face, and our lips touched for the very last time. His head dropped. My tears swelling and pouring like the weather above me. I caressed his cheek and kissed his lips again, the sweet taste and warm breath gone. Grief overwhelmed my feelings and I screamed as my tears kept drumming on his chest. In spite and broken-hearted I let down Takoda’s body and dragged my feet to the edge off the cliff. Below, the river was wild and rapid. It surged around the indistinct bends and crashed against the cliff face. An image of Takoda flashed in my mind. The very first time we laid eyes on each other: his russet skin glistening, his muscular torso, sinuous pelvis, toned legs and his absolute perfect face with supple lips, his carved nose, rounded jaw, distinct cheekbones, and his eyes. The crystal blue eyes that melted my heart, I looked down again, remembering the eyes that I loved so. And I jumped – drowning – being lost forever in the crystal perfection that was Takoda’s eyes... |
posted by LameHobo at Friday, December 05, 2008

Well it was good writing, but Kris! you dirty scoundrel! It sounded a little smutty in there!!!! Gosh!!
Smutt aside it was a nice story but it all went too fast. They only just met each other and then they're proclaiming their love?!?!
Thanks! It was MA kind of smutt because they actually never have sex.
The fact that it was a short story and it was a "love at first site" thing. I mainly wanted to play with the detail of lust - and how a heavy description could paint a very distinct picture of what was happening. Thanks for reading!