The most random thought I had this morning...
Hello! This morning when my mum was brushing her teeth, she dropped them in the sink (by know you should have made the connection that they're false), and exclaimed "Shit" and picked them up and continued brushing them. I pop my head in the bathroom and ask "If you were to drop them on tiles, would they smash" to which she answered "Yes" so then I burst out laughing because my masochistic mind set off a mental video, and this is what it was. An old guy laughing and his teeth fly out of his mouth, another old guy yells, "NOOOOOO!!!!!!" as he dives for the teeth, he is too late, they shatter on the ground along with his hip! and by the time all of this happens the other old guy has fallen asleep. Hope you enjoyed that, I know I did! Peace out, --LameHobo P.S. IT'S THE FIRST DAY BACK AT SCHOOL! *MENTAL SCREAM* Labels: brushing, false teeth, laughing, old people, sweet masochism |
Shows at the Powerhouse!!!! Anyone wanna come?
The Powerhouse... An awesome venue which is going to be filled with some awesome shows from now to April! Here are the ones I wouldn't mind seeing, the reason for me posting here is for people to come with me :D, lol, I'm all alone... Here they are:
--LameHobo Labels: powerhouse shows |
A Sticky Yet Amusing Situation...
Blu-tack. One of the world's greatest invention since sticky-tape. Now, I was really bored and I had a substantial amount of blu-tack so I gots creative. ![]() --This is Gaston: The cocky Frenchman! "I am French, I stick my nose up at you, FAWFAWFAW!" ![]() --TIS HITLER! RUN JEWS AND MARCH NAZI'S! ![]() --Fruity Chopper Reed... ![]() --"My eyebrows make me frumpy..." ![]() --*Tear* ![]() --*SQUEEZE!* ![]() -- "WTF! My mustache... it snapped in two..." ![]() -- "Ok, this sinus problem is getting out of hand..." ![]() -- "Hey sexy, checkin' out ma unibrow..." ENJOY MY BORED AND WEIRDNESS! Labels: blu-tack mustache |
Just had a sleepover! Woo!
I just had a sleepover with my besties Nick and Zoe! On Sunday night we decided to go see a movie at South Bank. So, Nick and I caught the train and we were going to meet Zoe at the cinema's... but, we caught the wrong train, it must happen... lol. So it was ages before the movie, so we'd thought we'd just roam around SB being the "cool" kids. So we made our way through the market place area thing and then went down near all the pools and stuff. As we babbled on about what to get for dinner and Nick's thirst, I see someone familiar out of the corner of my eye. TWAS DANNI! WOO! I was looking at her, trying to get her attention but she was with friends (as was I) so I didn't want to drag her away; her eyes hit mine and she looked away then you could see something clicked and we were into all of the "HELLO'S!" and hugness and the "Haven't seen you in ages'" but then we had to part and be with our other friends; it was still so awesome to see her! So we kept on our journey still wondering what to do and what to eat. Finally, making a decision we headed back towards the eating place and ordered greasy-battered fish and chips, not the best I've had, but still food! As we were sitting there, and as South Bankians should know, there are ibis' fucking everywhere. We kept hearing this screaming... and it turns outit was a little chubby boy frightened of the birds, which made it slightly more humourful. Then two more tables were attacked and it was like "HA!" by that time we'd all finished so we left the ibis' to their duty and Zoe got an icecream as I got an Espresso milkshake (mmmmmmm!), then found some random seats to chill out before the movie. We had finished our dessert and twas still ages before the movie, so we walked along the riverside and came to, what looked like, a meditation sector. So we sat by the little canal thing, had a hilarious paper boat race (none of us knew how to build a paper boat so yea - i won!) and then I accidently kicked Zoe's shoe into the water... I felt bad so I offered to do the same to mine... which I did. Soggy-footed, off to the cinema we went! Bought our tickets, waited, bought popcorn & drinks, waited some more and finally were seated inside the fucking massive SB IMAX (Cinema 5) theatre, to watch Yes Man! Absolutely hilarious movie, btw, loved it. Movie finished, came out, walked to train station, ticket machine didn't work, bought our tickets from the nice lady in the booth and caught the train back to Loganlea where my parents picked us up and drove us home. We fooled around and talked a bit and chose "The Cable Guy" to watch. Another hilarious Jim Carrey film! Afterwards, played some funny games of Uno, probably from sleep deprivation and at 2am we decided to go to sleep. Although not getting to sleep till 3am, talking and laughing, again caused by sleep deprivation. I WOKE UP AT 7! *shudders* 4 hours of sleep... not good... and once I'm up theres hardly any chance of me going back to sleep. So I got up, messed around on the computer/read for two hours and my stomach was becoming outraged. Because Z & N hadn't woken up I'd thought I'd do it nicely by cooking myslef some toast, hopefully the smell drifting into the lounge room, then, *BANG BANG BANG* at the door - scared the shit out of me, no doubt, them as well. And it was peoples delivering my iPod! I was happy! not that I wasn't already. So I agreed to let them sleep another 45mins or so and then make them breakfast. Once all that was out of the way, our movie of choice was "The Black Balloon" which is an absolutely awesome touching Aussie film, WATCH IT! After, more Uno, then, LUNCH TIME! Nachos smothered in cheese and salsa! TASTY! Then Zoe had to leave :(... then it was just Nick and I hangin' out etc. Cyaz, --LameHobo Labels: sleepover awesome |
Yes, you heard it correctly, I said HOORAH! and that this topic is going to be about movies.... My Top Ten List of Movies that I love off the top of my head right now while sitting in front of my collection, and are in no particular order: Amadeus Hedwig and the Angry Inch Brokeback Mountain Into The Wild Pan's Labyrinth Paris, Je T'Aime Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber On Fleet Street Moulin Rouge Perfume: The Story Of A Murderer Little Miss Sunshine So, yeah, off the top of my head, that's it. ALSO: I'm looking forward to seeing Milk. Peace Out, --LameHobo Labels: movies lamehobo |
The FEPIC Ode to AAA 2008!
I had an awesome year in '08 and many Saturday's were filled with such an amazing group of people! TED Semester One What does surfer-chick narrator, a fortune teller, 2 "ying-yang" type brothers, 2 sisters, a mother and a father who can't fix anything properly, a know-it-nothing priest and his acolyte who live ontop a mountain, all have in common? A TED performance, that's what. This, The Tempest, remake was a classic piece including mindless violence, a chicken-y/consiquential reincarnation, a non-refundable contract, epic statements, such as "IF I CAN'T HAVE HER NOONE CAN" and a Hokey-Pokey distraction that ended in "WAKE UP!" With a sweet, cliched ending. TEH FILM CHALLENGE! This miraculous event brought on some amazing yet weird characters... Charlie the postman whom was in love with Sally - both having thick Southern American accents, Charlie then leaving for a "holiday" leaving Sally broken-hearted. An Asian cheriff by the name of Risa The Dragon! and her trusty yet clumsy side-kick, Deputy What? tied together with a Mafia Boss and his one less-than-smart and other minions through a traitor by the name of Mercedes. In a Texan vs. Mafia storyline. A mysterious stranger enters the scene and fights with a barwench over Charlie's "death" and all narrated by a hilarious gnome who is guided by a Tim Minchin-inspired narrator. Ending in a "Bang-style" shoot-out between the Texans and the Mafia, 3 vs. 3 although one using magic, but then Charlie comes back and everyone get's shamed from doing so. C & S get married, the baffoon of a Mafia assitant going mad because she heard "grasshopper", the funding of the Texan crime-fighters being cut and having to use magic, the mysterious stranger leaving town, the barwench is heart-broken and the gnome lived happily ever after. THE END! TED Semester TWO! The epicest TED in the history of AAA. Involving "rockin' tha Bow-Chicka-Waw-Waw" two-old ladies, a desperate man in need of a loan, a cocky bank worker who hates his job, flirting with two saggy-elbowed women in need of a rich man, a clerk and her manager fighting with a man who is going to lose his home; all ending in tragedy. The shooting shown through THE BEST MOVEMENT PIECE EVAR! And all coming back to the theme "What if you're life was changed through a difference of 30 seconds..." THE GENERAL TIT AND TAT IN BETWEEN! Every Saturday a new adventure with this group of awesome people. Between our epic theatre-sport games, like, SPACE JUMP and SEXY, STUPID, SMELLY, FUNNY! and movement workshops. Our classic and memorable one liners. A bit of everyone to remember: Izzie's wonderful story telling and random buisness. Danni's most unique laugh and persona. Kat's touching Check Out's and insights. Lisa's asian heritage - RISA THE DRAGON FTW! Pauline's awesome improv and reasoning. Zeke's "Shakespearean" epicness. John's short and wittiness. Bobbi's bubbly personality Johnny's hilarious characters and impersenations. Chris' general epicness and hilarity. Sam's awesome vocab and random noises. Kim's revolving door of a mind. All of that is just a few words to remember how great and awesome and many many many other adjectives to describe you guys. All of you truly have made an impression on my life, I'm glad to have met you all because it really has changed my life. It never was a class it was a loving family and a humngernormours part of my life! Love you all and wish you all the best for the future. --LameHobo or in the real world, Kris. |