"I'm not afraid to speak out, and say things that I want to do, or do the things that I want to do, so um, I think in the end, being natural, and being, being actually genuine is what wins." - Freddie Mercury.

"All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come." - Victor Hugo.

“More people have been slaughtered in the name of religion than for any other single reason. That, my friends, that is true perversion.” - Harvey Milk.

"Silence never won rights. They are not handed down from above; they are forced by pressures from below." - Roger Baldwin.

BEDHWP #4: Sleepover's and the catch-up blog.
Well, today is Monday.
On Saturday morning, I watch August Rush, which is an amazingly uplifting film. Seriously, you should watch it...
Then, it twas SLEEPOVER TIME! Wew! Two of my best friends came over for a sleepover. It was an awesome time. We ate, played 'Bullshit' (the card game) and one game ended up lasting for 30 minutes... Don't ask me how. 'Fluffy Bunny' then followed, which is a hilarious game with marshmallows - just imagine three people sitting around shoving marshmallows in their mouths, saying 'Fluffy Bunny' between each one. The last round was a moment, I tell ya; I pretty much shoved the last one in my mouth and started laughing, which meant that the whole marshmallow fortress inside my mouth collapsed and you can guess what happened next... We then settled and watched Pulp Fiction; one of the best movies ever. After that, we just talked and fell asleep. And the next day was filled with us being capitalitic bastards trying to dominate the realm of real estate in a few riveting games of Monopoly and ended with us laughing till our stomachs hurt with Powerthirst, Powerthirst 2 - Redomination and, Hal the Misinterpretive Porn Star.
It was an awesome sleepover and today I just plan on reading Harry Potter and watching Will & Grace.

Goodbye for now.
BEDHWP #3: Day Watch + Harry Potter: The Musical
Well, today wasn't much different, except that I gots new orthodics for my shoes... Which isn't too exciting. I watched the sequel to the Russian film I watched the other day, called, Day Watch - was also awesome and had one of the best endings for a film I've seen in a while. I hope they don't make a third one because it just ended on such a nice note. I also watch Act One of Harry Potter: The Musical on YouTube... I LOVE IT! It's so funny and hope to watch the next act tomorrow.

That is all for now my pretties.

BEDHWP #2: Lack of Personal Hygiene
My life is boring.
Filled with Will & Grace and movies.
My personal hygiene hasn't been great either...
And my ear hurts... As well as other parts of my body.
BEDHWP #1: Nothing + AAA
Well, for the most of today I sat around watching Will & Grace and watched an awesome film called, Night Watch.

Then, it was time to dress as a wizard and go to my AAA class which was awesome. And was filled with talent and theatre sports.

And now, I should go and wash my hair because of the amount of powder I put in it to make my hair have a grey tinge.

Fare thy well!
Holidays begin........................ now.
Yes, that's right folks, you heard correctly...

Holidays start early... And do you want to know why???

That's right, my school gots Swine Flu'd, so now I tis on holidays...

That is all...

P.S. Blog Every Day in the Holidays Where Possible (BEDHWP) shall start tomorrow.
Theatre Experience Day... & Crimson Jeopardy.
Yesterday, I went to T.E.D (annotation mentioned above).

The reason I love this day is because you get to see the realm of creativity that is the Australian Acting Academy and it's students. Twas a hilarious and awesome day filled day with an amazing group of people. The regular classes did a great job and my old South Brisbane class did me (and Izzie) proud! After, was Extension One's turn. My class. Now, I don't mean to toot my own horn, but WE WE'RE AWESOME! It was an improvised performance, as well as the other extension classes, and I ended up playing the world's stupidest police officer; the sum of my character was, "I suspect you're the murderer, but I'm not going top do anything about it!" Considering the fact that my partner was the murderer and I even helped move a body at one point. Moving on... EXTENSION TWO WAS AWESOME TOO! Turns out, in Izzie's scene, she got cancer but twisted it into a rant about Twilight, which was HILARIOUS! And the line "I should've had sons..." TOTES CLASSIC! And props to Extension three, due to the fantastic performances and structure! TWAS AMAZING! And, when all is said and done, it was a fucking fantastic-amazing-awesomesauce-filled day!


Also, my first Film and Television assignmentis up on YouTube... Check it out!


Getting old...
Well, I'm only 15 but it's never to late to think about getting old...

This is just a general thinking pattern but has sparked again in the past few days due to my hairdresser finding a grey hair...

There is one thing I am looking forward to when I get old...

Being able to tell lame jokes and get away with it. At the moment, I hate dad jokes and just see how lame they are... but then again... I get to embarrass my kids with them when they're teenagers.

Also, using teenage and 'what-the-kids-are-saying-these-days' lingo and terminology in the wrong context...
I'm going to make my child's life hell...


I'm 'sick' of it!

I am so sick of hearing about the swine flu! "We're all gonna die! Stay away from public places!" - Get over yourselves! The normal flu is more deadly than the swine flu itself. The only people who have DIED from at are mainly Mexicans, and no offense to them, but I'm not really surprised... Simply because their living conditions are a shitload worse than ours! Also, I think it has become this scary is because of a) the media has just been like "SWINE FLU! SWINE FLU! WE'RE ALL GONNA FUCKING DIE! LOCK YOUR DOORS AND WINDOWS AND AVOID EVERYONE FUCKING ELSE!" and b) It's derivative from pigs... and when you think about it our blood and pigs blood are quite the same... Ugh, the mentality of some people; I have this to tell you:



TELL THE MEDIA TO SHUT THE FUCK UP! (If you had enough brains you would have seen through the hype and seen that it really isn't that scary)



--That is all... - LameHobo

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