"I'm not afraid to speak out, and say things that I want to do, or do the things that I want to do, so um, I think in the end, being natural, and being, being actually genuine is what wins." - Freddie Mercury.

"All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come." - Victor Hugo.

“More people have been slaughtered in the name of religion than for any other single reason. That, my friends, that is true perversion.” - Harvey Milk.

"Silence never won rights. They are not handed down from above; they are forced by pressures from below." - Roger Baldwin.

December, 4, 2008
Its past midnight so it's technically the 5th but I don't care... Here is what happened 'yesterday'.

I pretty much watched Will and Grace (up to season 5) woo! and between these sessions I was writing Part III of my story - which was really hard btw! Writing the intimate scenes got harder as i progressed due to the lack of different synonyms I could use.

Oh... what else did i do today... oh that's right...


It was awesome! I hadn;t really heard many of his songs but I still fucking enjoyed it! He is actually quite funny, last line of the whole concert (as I remember): Don't let anyone give you shit!
The whole thing was totally amazing!
But parking was a horror - it took us like 1.5hours to get home... which sucked and my mum and I created a new game - take the letters from a car's number plate eg. KNS and say a word for each letter - the word needing to start with the same letter eg. KNS = Kissing Neurotic Sluts - Best of the night btw!

Anyway, I had one of the best days of my holidays - so far!

So I shall chat to you guys later!

Love and Peace


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